About AAA Tree Service

"A Service You Can Trust!"


AAA Tree Service Business Card.
AAA Tree Service 
AAA Tree Service - Our Story

What's Our Story

Well, it all started way back with our great granddaddy! He quit school and went to work at a young age to help his family! He was lucky to find a job at a local wood mill. The work was hard and the pay wasn't great but he knew if he stayed around long enough to show his worth he might just get hired on to work with one of the logging crews that delivered the wood. It didn't take him long! Eventually, he was running his own crew that included a couple of his sons!  He worked until he couldn't work anymore. His son's to over the crew but for them times were changing and the logging work was drying up. They began the transition from logging crew to tree service and found  to be a natural fit. It became the family business handed down father to son. Today, it's not just a family business, it's a life style. We love what we do and it shows in our work!

AAA Tree Service - West Tennessee Service Area

Our Service Area:

We serve most of West Tennessee

AAA Tree Service - Trenton Tennessee Location
AAA Tree Service - Our Location

Our Goal

Our active goal here at AAA Tree Service is to eventually become a zero waste company.